

July 2024

28 Gottesdienst fällt aus

August 2024

04 Chile bi de Lüt verschieden
11 10.10 Gottesdienst
Heaven's Miniature: Olivier
Leutschenbachstrasse 95
18 10.10 Gottesdienst
Vineyard Values: Irene
Leutschenbachstrasse 95
25 10.10 Gottesdienst
Leutschenbachstrasse 95

Special events


Part of the World Church

As Vineyard we treasure the strengths of the mainstream state- and the free churches and we search for ways to bring them together. 
Vineyard Zurich is part of the Swiss Evangelical Alliance, along with many evangelical state- and free churches. The Swiss Evangelical Alliance is a group of about 550 churches and free churches and 90 Christian organisations in Switzerland with a base of about 250,000 Christians. It is currently estimated that more than 600 million Christians belong to the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA).

We can be found at www.kirchen.ch, the platform of Christian churches, ecumenical events and initiatives in Switzerland.

The Vineyard is part of the dynamic Pentecostal-Charismatic Protestant branch of Christianity, to which about 600 million people belong worldwide. We stand theologically-speaking on the broad shoulders of the Reformation and expect at the same time the sovereign and spontaneous working of the Holy Spirit, who brings us new life and positively influences us.

We are part of the world church that unites itself ecumenically under the World Council of Churches (www.oikoumene.org). In addition, we are thankful to the Jewish roots of Christianity and therefore emphasize the whole Jewish-Christian inheritance.

While the Church is old news for many in the western world, Christianity is exploding in the southern hemisphere. Contrary to popular belief, Christianity grows faster than any other religion worldwide. Within the past century, the numerical focus of Christians has moved from the northern to the southern hemispheres. Only 29% of Christians today come from Europe, while 71% of believers live in the rest of the world and there meet the God of the Bible. This growth takes place especially in the Protestant Church in Asia, Latin America, and Africa, and with over 75%, most of this is in the evangelical / charismatic Church. These churches grow faster than the population itself (Wetzel, 19981). As the one-time Christian occident, we are challenged and invited to learn from 2/3 of the world. We also learn that the freeing and good news of Jesus Christ is not dependent upon western cultures, as has long been thought, but rather spans cultures. Jesus Christ transcends and changes cultures and can be prayed to and found in all languages and cultures.

¹Wetzel, Klaus (1998). Wo Kirchen wachsen. Der geistliche Aufbruch in der Zwei-Drittel-Welt und die Folgen für das Christentum. Wuppertal: TVG R. Brockhaus.