

July 2024

28 Gottesdienst fällt aus

August 2024

04 Chile bi de Lüt verschieden
11 10.10 Gottesdienst
Heaven's Miniature: Olivier
Leutschenbachstrasse 95
18 10.10 Gottesdienst
Vineyard Values: Irene
Leutschenbachstrasse 95
25 10.10 Gottesdienst
Leutschenbachstrasse 95

Special events


Vineyard Training


In our church we want to support learning from each other. We connect ourselves with different churches worldwide and want to learn from other innovative approaches, apply them and pass them on.

The word that is used in the bible for disciple (mathetai in greek) means to be a learner. As followers of Christ we learn all our life long. So we don’t run through a program but are in constant attention of what God is telling us and how he wants to transform our lifes.

Training for everyone


Training for leaders